Summer Fun on a Budget

The long, hot days of summer are a great time to get outside, have fun and socialize with family and friends. It’s no secret, however, that the sunniest season can be a trying time for your budget. If you’re hoping to make the most of the summertime without breaking the bank, take a look at our ideas for frugal fun.

Gather for Less

When you’re hanging with friends or celebrating a family gathering, going out to eat is typically in the cards. Restaurants are also notoriously budget-unfriendly; so consider ways to trim the cost of a meal out. Heading in before the dinner rush could save you on an entrée, and taking advantage of happy hour can really drive down that bar tab. Some restaurants even have a discounted late-night menu, which just goes to show that shifting the time of your outing can equal big savings.

Simply redefining what “going out” means can save you money when the check arrives, too. Instead of indulging in a three-course meal, just share an appetizer or entrée with your partner or a friend. Since portion sizes are so large to begin with, you’ll still feel full and can always eat a small meal at home later.

Staying in is the new going out! If your next gathering is close to home, invite everyone over for a potluck and let the good times roll. Not only will you skip the waiting and markups at the restaurant, you’ll also have a wide variety of dishes without the big grocery bill.

Fun for the Kids

Kids home for the summer? Keep them entertained on the cheap with free or low-cost events around town. Free children’s festivals are abundant throughout the summer, so listen for the buzz on these local happenings. Some movie theaters show older kids’ films for just a dollar or two throughout the week, and many museums host free and reduced-price days for the little ones, too. Ask around and keep an eye on social media for event announcements.

Family Outings on a Dime

Out and about with the whole family? There are so many things you can do on a small budget. Scope out a local farm and do some berry picking – is a great resource for finding farms near you. Take the family out for a picnic (spots to throw down that checkered blanket are nearly endless!) or head off for a lazy day at the beach. You could take little ones to a quintessential children’s spot — the zoo –or spend a day hiking in a state park or nature preserve. If you’re feeling really adventurous, you might plan out a weekend camping trip – although we won’t tell anyone if you just put up a tent in your back yard.

Staying in

Some days, you just want to stay hunkered down at home. If it’s one of those, stock up on citrus and let your kids open up their very own lemonade stand. This one’s a double whammy since it can be a valuable lesson in money management, too! If your kiddos aren’t the entrepreneurial type, you can always beat the heat by hooking up a sprinkler and letting them run wild. Feeling creative? Send them on a scavenger hunt around the house, or even team up with a few neighbors and scale your efforts. If you’re just feeling something simple, a classic movie night (complete with buttered popcorn, of course) is always a good time.

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